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Mobile marketplace (app) that connects Chinese high-end consumers with Scandinavian SME brands, CPH

  • 11 Jan 2017
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Innovation House China-Denmark, kl 14:00 til 17:00 pa Indiakaj 20, 2100 København Ø
  • 15


  • Vær med som observatør og bliv inspireret af vækstvirksomheden og paneldeltagerne.

    Tilmeldingsfristen er onsdag d. 04. januar 2017.
  • Vær med til at give sparring til vækstvirksomheden, og til at netværke med de andre medlemmer i panelet.
    Tilmeldingsfristen er onsdag d. 04. januar 2017.

Registration is closed

Points for sparring 

How can we attract risk-adverse seed investors in Denmark, with limited knowledge of the Chinese consumer market?

Which financial structure for an early-stage Chinese/Danish startup is optimal?

How can we attract Danish/Scandinavian SME suppliers most efficiently?

How can we convince Scandinavian SME suppliers, allocating marketing resources for China  


Branche: App.
Udviklingsstadie: Proof of Concept


China is already the 2nd largest consumer market in the world with expected yearly 11% growth rate in discretionary income the next 10 years. The Chinese internet and e-commerce market is also the largest and most dynamic in the World. Only the last 2-3 years, cross-border e-commerce has seriously enabled overseas brands to sell their goods directly to digital shoppers in China: especially upper-middle class consumers seeking “affordable luxury” niche products that they cannot purchase in China. In 2020, it is expected that more than a quarter of the Chinese population will shop digitally for foreign products.

The company will launch an app-based marketplace that offers Scandinavian design, quality- and lifestyle products within multiple categories such as “beauty”, “fashion”, “home ”, “kids” etc. The purpose is to give the Chinese consumers insight and inspiration with short videos (narratives) linked with “pain-point themes” in Chinese culture, such as “marriage”, “healthcare”, “” etc. The Chinese consumer will be able to learn about Scandinavian lifestyle and study which products we buy to improve our life quality. Working close together with suppliers, developing small narrative videos in mandarin, we will be able to explain why these products transpire high quality and thereby distinguish the platform from Chinese competitors.


Financing & Funding
Business Models
Business Development
Concept Development
Marketing & Branding

This Springboard will be held in Danish / Dette Springboard vil blive afholdt på dansk


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