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Solar thermal energy company with innovative technology – how to scale? CPH - Springboard

  • 21 Feb 2017
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Scion DTU, kl 14:00 til 17:00 pa Diplomvej 381, 2800 Lyngby
  • 10


  • Vær med som observatør og bliv inspireret af vækstvirksomheden og paneldeltagerne.
    Tilmeldingsfristen er mandag d. 13. feb. 2017.
  • Vær med til at give sparring til vækstvirksomheden, og til at netværke med de andre medlemmer i panelet.
    Tilmeldingsfristen er mandag d. 13. feb. 2017.

Registration is closed

Points for sparring

Go-to-market strategy
Strategic agreements with suppliers and business partners
Funding related to a global roll out

    Industry: Energy

    Stage of development: Proof of Business

    The company has developed a novel concept for concentration of solar power to be used for heating, cooling, steam and electricity generation. The concept reduces cost by 80% compared to conventional CSP (concentrated solar power), thus allowing for energy production at costs lower than the marginal cost of fossil fuel or biomass plants.

    The market potential is enormous, however, the strengths of the company lies within innovation and product/concept development, thus there is a need for a qualified Springboard panel to come up with solutions as to how the company can commercialise the concept and secondly, find ways to fund the global roll out.

    Sales & Distribution Channels
    Financing & Funding
    Business Models
    Marketing & Branding

    This Springboard will be held in Danish / Dette Springboard vil blive afholdt på dansk 


    CONNECT Denmark — Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. sal, 1473 København K — Telefon: +45 27 28 17 86 — E-mail: connect@connectdenmark.com — Sociale platforme:
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