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Cloud-based hand hygiene monitoring system saves lives at hospitals, CPH - Springboard

  • 21 Mar 2017
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Microsoft, kl 14:00 til 17:00 pa Kanalvej 7, 2800 Kongens Lyngby
  • 15


  • Vær med som observatør og bliv inspireret af vækstvirksomheden og paneldeltagerne.

    Tilmeldingsfristen er mandag d. 13. marts 2017.
  • Vær med til at give sparring til vækstvirksomheden, og til at netværke med de andre medlemmer i panelet.

    Tilmeldingsfristen er mandag d. 13. marts 2017.

Registration is closed

Punkter til sparring
- Selling pilot tests to hospitals

- Medical class certification

- Managing product development with multiple external development companies involved

Branche: Medtech

Udviklingsstadie: Proof of Concept

Consistent hand hygiene is the first and most important action caregivers take in the battle against hospital-acquired infections. Despite decades of effort to improve hand hygiene using manual observation, infections continue to affect millions of patients every year. This ends now.

The company’s product connects hand hygiene to the cloud in hospitals. A sensor network collects real-time data on compliance, and using nudging to improve staff habits over time with increased accountability.


Afsætning & Distributionskanaler




Marketing & Branding





This Springboard will be held in Danish / Dette Springboard vil blive afholdt på dansk


CONNECT Denmark — Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. sal, 1473 København K — Telefon: +45 27 28 17 86 — E-mail: connect@connectdenmark.com — Sociale platforme:
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