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Platform uses 3D virtual worlds to stimulate learning – Funding & Growth ? CPH – SPRINGBOARD®

  • 13 May 2019
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • CPH Business, kl 14:00 til 17:00 pa Nansensgade 19, 1366 København K
  • 13


  • Registration deadline Saturday 4th of May
  • Registration deadline Saturday 4th of May

Registration is closed

Focus: Business Development, Raising Capital & Funding


- How does the company build and retain a community of content creators?

- Who could be relevant partners for the company, and how can the company build a relationship with them?

- Strategy for finding value-creating investors?


Movies, audio-Book and music releases (Digital content production), Gaming and computer games, Experience Economy (Culture, Tourism, Amusement/Sports), App, ICT information and communication technologies, Research, EdTech / Learning & Development / Training

Development Stage: Proof of Concept

The product is an open content platform for everyone to learn, create and modify learning material based. It has built-in emotional triggers known from the games industry to intrinsically motivate learners and creators of content.

The company is testing the alpha version of the platform with medical students. The company is ready to take in investments to grow the team and scale in the market.





Financing, Funding & Raising Capital

Business Models

Research & Development

Innovation (business, market, product, process)


Market Analysis

Marketing & Branding

Online marketing


Strategy and growth plans

Building online communities

This SPRINGBOARD® will be held in English / Dette SPRINGBOARD® vil blive afholdt på engelsk


Institutions around the world are failing to prepare learners for the complexity of the 21st century, and university students struggle with all the factual information they need to memorize.

Traditional learning techniques and the way knowledge is delivered to students make long term anchoring of new information in the brain difficult, boring and distanced. Furthermore, the one-size-fits-all model of learning material is outdated in a fast moving, connected world. It does not speak to individual skills and learning profiles.

The company offers a platform which inspires for content creation, learning and sharing. It will help anchor knowledge with proven and highly effective memo-techniques. At the same time learning becomes easy and engaging through personalized repetition cycles and co-creation within a community of like-minded learners.

The company will start by offering the product for free to university students – both to gather customers but also because it resonates well with students as there is an urge to help each other in order to make it through the exams.

Next step will be to open for the adaptive learning engine and offer this added functionality as a subscription. Later there will added a marketplace where students can buy access to professional content via micro-transactions.

Currently there exists no company that wraps effective memorization techniques into an intuitive creator-tool for learning material and offers this to a community of learners and creators.

The model of an open source community of creators has worked very well in the past with Linux, Apache and Wikipedia as the most prominent examples of platforms that have been developed by an engaged community. This business model will work to the company’s favor, and without doubt, there will be new business opportunities appearing along the way.

Ad 1: The company is looking for investors who have experience and interest in education. Either because of a personal reason due their own education (e.g. struggle with dyslexia), or because they already launched a company in the educational sector or their connections in that area.

The company starts with medical students as the first target group, so investors who can help with getting reach in this field are also interesting.

Ad 2: Building and retaining an engaged community of learners and creators needs a clear strategy and key users that influence the crowd dynamics. E.g. the company expect teachers that are given the right tools can be a foundation of a well-functioning crowd (e.g. ‘’).

Ad 3: The company can see possibility to partner with learning content creators (publishers) because the product will supplement the existing learning material and help the students anchor the knowledge more effectively.

Additionally, companies who have a product in the market aiming for graduated students are relevant, e.g. companies selling pharmaceutical products could provide content for the students (either images, texts or complete courses) (Product placement)

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