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Kapital SPRINGBOARD®: Ung teknologi-virksomhed på vej mod det afrikanske marked, med 3 mio. DKK softfunding i ryggen, hvilket finansierer nuværende drift/produktion. Eskalering/vækst kræver yderligere investeringsrunde, Vojens – SPRINGBOARD®

  • 08 Nov 2019
  • 12:00 - 15:00
  • Vækstfonden, kl 12:00 til 15:00 pa Billundvej 3, 6500 Vojens
  • 8


  • Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er: Fredag den 1. november 2019
  • Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er: Fredag den 1. november 2019

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Fokus: kapitalfremskaffelse

Punkter til sparring

Den indskudte investorkapital + lån sikrer driften/produktionen, samt vækstmål i 2019/20.

Vækstpotentialet er dog stort i årerne frem - både med ekstern kapital og alternativt via organisk vækst.

Hvordan afgør virksomheden, om den skal hente yderligere kapital for at eskalere væksten contra at planlægge en organisk vækst. Og hvis der skal indgå ekstern kapital: hvor meget, hvornår, fra hvem og til hvilket værdiansættelse?

Hvilke pro/cons er der forbundet med at eskalere væksten (med og uden ekstern kapital), hvad skal virksomheden være opmærksom på?

Hvordan styrer man bedst accelereret vækst?

Branche: Energi, Software/SaaS, Elektrisk udstyr/elektronik

Udviklingsstadie: Proof of Business

Virksomhedens teknologi er færdigudviklet og 100 enheder afprøvet i Danmark, Kenya og Tanzania. Funding fra private investorer og offentligt fonde er på plads. 1000 enheder er i produktion og bliver klar til salg ultimo 2019. Den tilvejebragte kapital sikrer likviditet til drift og er nok til at punktet, hvor snebolden ruller og virksomheden kan finansiere egen vækst. Men der er potentiale for at booste væksten.

Vi søger paneldeltagere, som har prøvet - enten at skalere en virksomhed via organisk vækst og/eller via ekstern kapital. Og paneldeltagere, der er investorer/har relation til investormiljøerne.


Finansiering & Kapitalrejsning



Juridiske forhold

Markedskendskab Afrika

Strategi og vækstplaner


We are a 2.5 year old startup that has developed a solar based power solution for agricultural families in Africa who live without public electricity supply. The solution combines a solar panel, a powerful portable, IoT enabled, Lithium Ion battery and an innovative business model where our customers continuously pay for the use of our solution through our cloud based proprietary Revenue Collection Platform and mobile phone payments that are widely used in Africa. We can collect revenue from the major mobile wallets providers in Africa: Safaricom, Airtel, Tigo and Vodacom.

We control and monitor the battery usage and ensure that the battery is locked in the event of missing payment or misuse. All data is collected through our proprietary data collection platform based in the cloud.

The families uses the battery for different purposes, all of which help to secure their income and living conditions. Including better education, visibility of their crops at markets and small kiosks where they can stay open at night, small irrigation systems to pump and circulate river water in their fields, create light and security at night, charge their mobile phones and give them access for information via radio, television and internet.

Our solution has now been fully developed and 100 solutions have been tested successfully in Denmark, Kenya and Tanzania. We have gained paying customers in both Kenya and Tanzania and have established local sales offices and an agent network as well as setup MoU with potential distribution partners like Powergen from the US and SolarKiosk from Germany.

The battery is manufactured in China on top of a “out of shelf” product combined with our own developed proprietary hardware and software IoT module.

The company has attracted private seed investors and the Innovation Fund InnoBooster program has partly financed the development of our solution in two rounds. Now we have attracted approx. 3 million DKK in funding for a 2.5 year project through the Nordic Development Fund and received an application through the EU H2020 SME Instrument phase 1 of 50,000 Euros.

Our plan is now to build sales channels for the distribution and sale of 1000 battery solutions in Tanzania and Kenya next year. This is a great opportunity to get to the market quickly, but also means that we strain our liquidity in connection with manufacturing and marketing.

To cover our need for capital we plan for a loan from the Danish “Vækstfonden” of 0.6 mill. DKK in combination with capital provided through the owners. This will secure the liquidity required until summer 2020 and is adequate to reach the tipping point where the company can finance its own growth. However, growth may be accelerated by boosting purchase of batteries and accelerate the marketing activities. To accelerate growth an additional investment of 2-3 mill. DKK is requred.

Spørgsmål til panelet

Hvordan afgør virksomheden, om det vil være fordelagtigt at hente yderligere kapital for at eskalere væksten?

Hvilke parametre, forhold, vurderinger kan beslutning med fordel træffes på grundlag af?

Virksomheder kan vokse sig ihjel. Hvordan styrer man bedst accelereret vækst? Hvad skal man passe på?

Hvis der tilføres yderligere investorkapital, vil det evt. få effekt på fordelingen af ejerandele. Hvordan håndteres dette optimalt?

CONNECT Denmark — Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. sal, 1473 København K — Telefon: +45 27 28 17 86 — E-mail: connect@connectdenmark.com — Sociale platforme:
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