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ONLINE: Safer roads, greener cities. A SaaS data-driven solution to assess the quality of cycle lanes and pro-mote micro-mobility (B2B - B2G) - SPRINGBOARD®

  • 11 Jan 2023
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • We Build Denmark, kl 14:00 til 16:00 pa Online, Mødeplatform
  • 15


  • Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er: 9. januar 2023
  • Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er: 9. januar 2023

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Introduktion til SPRINGBOARD®

The company developed a SaaS cost-effective system that combines IoT and digital technologies to quickly perform multi-perspective road analysis such as road surface quality, road lighting conditions, clearness of signage and noise pollution.

Cities’ road managers and policy makers struggle to get a quantitative and qualitative overview of the cycling infrastructure due to a lack of cost-effective digital tools to assess cycling lanes.

The solution provides these data for assessing the quality of cycle lanes and promoting micro-mobility and makes cycle road maintenance efficient and cost-effective.

A prototype of the solution has been developed and pilot tested (450+ km) in 3 cities. The next goal is to provide a proof of sales and implement a solid sales strategy.

Punkter til sparring

Til dette SPRINGBOARD® søges paneldeltagere med kompetencer/erfaring til at give sparring på følgende områder:

  1. 1. B2G marketing and sales strategy. How can the company most effectively reach potential custom-ers through B2G marketing and direct sales?
  2. 2. Growth through strategic partnerships and B2B2G business model. Which is the most effective strategy to reach/convince B2G companies to sell the company's solution as reseller or referral partner?
  3. 3. After the first paying customers, should the company focus be on finding private investors or should it continue the activities supported only by soft money and revenues until it finds product-market fit?

Industri: Software/SaaS, Digitalization (of existing companies), Construction, GovTech, UrbanTech

Udviklingsstadie: Proof of Business

Region: Hovedstaden

Kompetencer der efterspørges til panelet:

  • Marketing & Distribution Channels
  • B2B
  • B2G
  • Digitalization
  • Distribution channels
  • Financing, Funding & Raising Capital
  • Business Models
  • Market knowledge Europe
  • Market knowledge Scandinavia
  • Partnerships
  • Sales
  • Strategy and growth plans

This SPRINGBOARD® will be held in English

The company and ideas

The company developed a cost-effective system that combines IoT and digital technologies to quickly perform multi-perspective road analysis such as road surface quality, road lighting conditions, clearness of signage and noise pollution.

What problem it solved

Cities’ road managers and policy makers struggle to get a quantitative and qualitative overview of the cycling infrastructure due to a lack of cost-effective digital tools to assess cycling lanes.

Which solution

Road managers and city managers can access a web map application (or alternatively GIS data) to easily identify critical cycle infrastructure issues, understand where to allocate budget for better green poli-cies and decrease the overall road maintenance costs.

Accessible and intuitive reports can easily show safety issues of the cycle infrastructures in every area of a city including road surface quality issues, bad signage and poor light conditions.

Business model

The platform is sold as a SaaS solution (mainly B2G) and its price is based both on the number of Km scanned and the detail of the analysis (basic or advanced).


The system is sold to road managers and policy makers of cities promoting micro-mobility as a solution to decrease the number of cars and the CO2 emissions.

The market

Considering the European market:

  • - TAM (bike lane maintenance services): 8B €
  • - SAM (bike lane monitoring services): 600M €
  • - SOM (0.55 of the market in 3 years): 3M €
  • - Yearly market growth: +30%


QFree, StreetScan, RoadBotics, RoadCloud, Pluto Technologies (though their main focus is on traffic roads)

Growth potential / goals / ambition

Q1 2023: proof of sale

Q2-Q4: rollout of new key features to improve geopositioning and data analysis

Q2-Q3: fundraising (raise of capital through soft funding or private investments to support early growth and further product development)

2023: 4-6 customers and total revenues of 100.000 €

Management and team

10 team members (1 CEO, 1 CTO, 3 software developers, 1 sales manager, 1 UX/UI designer, 3 commu-nication and So-Me managers)

Finance / financing

The company has been bootstrapped and is supported by extra revenues (mainly B2B consultancies).


In 2022, the company focused on the assumptions’ validations and the release of a prototype that can be used for pilot testing the solution. More than 450 km of roads have been analyzed in the city of Co-penhagen, L’Hospitalet and Tallinn.

CONNECT Denmark — Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. sal, 1473 København K — Telefon: +45 27 28 17 86 — E-mail: connect@connectdenmark.com — Sociale platforme:
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