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SPRINGBOARD® Online: Studio creating unique, architectural visualizations, trying to find new ways to scale up

  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • We Build Denmark, kl 14:00 til 16:00 pa Online, Mødeplatform
  • 17


  • Signup deadline: 28. marts 2023
  • Signup deadline: 28. marts 2023

Registration is closed

Introduction to SPRINGBOARD®

Studio is helping landowners to discover full potential of their site/project early in the stage giving certainty that it is the right way to approach the project using drones, camera and 3D technology combined with an architectural qualification. Solution empowers landowner and architectural studios to find the best design option and communicate clearer with a public.

Questions for sparring

For this SPRINGBOARD®, panelists are sought who can provide sparring in the following areas:

    1. 1. Networking: Challenge with approaching a new possible client
    2. 2. Finding the right pricing
    3. 3. How to keep momentum and scale it up

        Industry: Fashion and Design (Clothing, textile, Furniture Lamps, Interior , etc.), Research, Building industry

        Development stage: Proof of Business

        Region: Sealand

        Competencies required:

        • Business Development
        • Strategy and growth plans
        • Marketing & Distribution Channels
        • B2B
        • Market Analysis
        • Market knowledge Scandinavia
        • Marketing & Branding
        • Pricing
        • Presentation techniques & skills
        • Sales
        • Operations & Action Plans

        This SPRINGBOARD® will be held in Danish

        The company and ideas - what is unique?

        Studio is using a game engine to help landowners test the potential of the site before bigger investment and biding contracts comes up. This way it can be saved time, money, and redirect energy towards more optimal option.

        Product / service - what problem does it solve?

        Committing to move forward with a long term, costly design procedure without guarantee that the design is the most optimal.

        Waiting long time until being able to show design ideas to potential investors/ tenant / buyers.

        Which solution

        Using a game engine to create realistic 3D model combined with a drone, camera photos and videos from a site visit, studio creates realistic representation of the environment into which can be placed several design options, information, brief and links to important information under a single click of the button.

        Business model

        Studio is pivoting from traditional architectural visualization studio being included in the end of the project to more valuable service starting early in the project. Following the project and providing in the crucial milestone’s visual presentation along the process studio saves up to 30% cost which is used switching multiple rendering studios while ensuring high quality supportive service.


        Landowners/ developers and architectural companies.

        The market



        Current competitors are 3D studios entering late in the process and architectural studios who might see studio as a threat. Studio is not doing architectural work, only visual representation which empowers architects to communicate more freely their ideas.

        Growth potential / goals / ambition

        Currently studio is on its way to double last years turnover meeting every month’s goals. The most efficient studio would be with double current size. It has a potential to become a platform for architectural competitions where the jury and public sector could navigate around the future designs and switch between different options with a single click of the button.

        Management and team

        Currently studio have a project manager with a video creation background, creative designer with experience in architectural field and three 3D Designers combined experience of over 40 years.

        Finance / financing

        Studio at the moment has no debt, has steady cashflow.

        Status - how far in

        Studio is in its startup phase because it is being pivoted from traditional architectural visualization studio to more value bringing connector between landowners and architects. It has completed several successful cases and currently has projects for upcoming 2 months for current team setup.

        CONNECT Denmark — Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. sal, 1473 København K — Telefon: +45 27 28 17 86 — E-mail: — Sociale platforme:
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