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SPRINGBOARD® in Copenhagen: Startup is shaping the future with seaweed – unleashing the potential of 70% of our blue planet

  • 22 Jan 2025
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • BLOXHUB, kl 14:00 til 17:00 pa Bryghusgade 8; 3, 1473 København K
  • 16


  • Tilmeldingsfrist: 15. januar 2025.
  • Tilmeldingsfrist: 15. januar 2025.

Introduction to SPRINGBOARD®

The company farms the sea and cultivates seaweed as a sustainable source of biomass, utilizing seaweed to boost agriculture output as a net-zero CO2 emission fertilizer to help agriculture with the green transition.

Founded in 2017 by a management, with decades of entrepreneurial skills in seaweed farming and applications. Through research and innovation, we have developed cutting-edge cultivation in Europe and Africa.

Areas for sparring

For this SPRINGBOARD®, panelists with competencies/experience within these themes, are needed for sparring (prioritised):

                                                          1. The company’s food section (production of seaweed-based food sold through super market) – how should this part of the business be prioritized?

                                                          2. The company’s agrochemical section – where there’s a focus on a combination of white-label and direct sale to selected markets – how can the opportunity to develop seaweed-based pesticides/fungicides best be exploited?

                                                              Industry: Environment 

                                                              Development stage: Proof of Business

                                                              Company's CVR region: Southern Denmark

                                                              Competencies in the panel:

                                                              • Business Development
                                                              • Sales
                                                              • Strategy and growth plans

                                                              Note: This SPRINGBOARD® will be held in Danish

                                                                The mission

                                                                The mission is to provide food solutions for a healthy plant-based diet using seaweed as a sustainable ingredient in everyday foods widely available to consumers.

                                                                Business areas

                                                                Large-scale seaweed production.

                                                                Seaweed liquid fertilizer.

                                                                Seaweed food label.


                                                                With over 4,000 tons of farmed seaweed the company is one of the leading players operating in Europe and Africa.


                                                                Driven by the need for biomass and environmental goals, Macroalgae (Seaweed) cultivation in the sea offers many advantages: With our production, we strive to be BLUE, GREEN & CLEAN.

                                                                Product categories

                                                                Food – focused on developing food products for the retail market with a focus on taste while utilizing the unique taste and flavors of seaweed.

                                                                Fertilizer - offers a range of sustainable seaweed-based fertilizers for agriculture and horticulture.

                                                                Bulk seaweed - offers a large and diverse range of seaweed products. From our Tanzanian production we deliver carrageenan seaweed (Eucheuma spinosum and Eucheuma cottonii) to large industrial manufactures and provides Ulva sp. for various purposes.


                                                                A – CEO. Agronomist with nearly 16 years’ international experience in aquaculture management. A pioneer in seaweed farming.

                                                                B – Head of R&D. Food engineer with 7 years´ of experience in academic research and 3 years at this company.


                                                                Expansion of seaweed production is ongoing. Working on acquiring new key customers. Large focus on developing the fertilizer/biostimulants business.

                                                                CONNECT Denmark — Bryghuspladsen 8, 3. sal, 1473 København K — Telefon: +45 27 28 17 86 — E-mail: — Sociale platforme:
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